The Nordic countries call for game-changing global climate action

28.10.15 | News
De Nordiska miljöministrarna
Johannes Jansson/
- COP21 in Paris presents a historic opportunity to show global leadership and commitment to address climate change, say the Nordic ministers for climate and environment.

Reykjavik, 28 October 2015 - Nordic ministers signed a common declaration at the annual Nordic Councils session in Reykjavik, Iceland.

They confirm their strong commitment to reach an ambitious, global and legally binding agreement at COP21 in Paris that will keep global temperature rise well below two degrees.

- The Nordic countries support a global, scientifically based long-term emissions reduction goal in the agreement that provides direction for future action and certainty to investors, say the ministers.

Sustainable growth – the Nordic Way

Nordic countries stay committed to ambitious climate action and to transforming their societies towards highly energy efficient, low carbon and climate resilient economies.

Nordic countries have a long-standing history of forward-looking climate and energy policies.

- Our experiences show that effective mitigation actions can be achieved without compromising economic growth and social development, say the ministers.

Since the mid-1990s, Nordic countries have been amongst the frontrunners of the industrialised countries who have managed to decouple economic growth and GHG emissions from domestic sources.

- Climate actions can improve economic performance, spur investments and innovation, create jobs and have positive impacts in other areas such as health and energy security, state the Nordic ministers.



Grafen viser den økonomiske vækst i Norden, samtidig med at udledningen af drivhusgasser formindskes. Kilde: Nordic Statistics 2015

Common concern for the Arctic

The Arctic climate is changing drastically and rapidly and the effects will be considerable on a global scale. The Nordic countries call for actions to slow down the Arctic ice melting. 

- The accelerated melting of the Greenland ice sheet is expected to contribute to global sea level rise with severe consequences for low lying coastal regions worldwide,” say the ministers.


The ministers further state: “The changes we witness in the Arctic represent fundamental threats to global ecosystems and societies which will ultimately affect the living conditions for people and fauna globally with direst consequences for the poorest and most vulnerable”.


Supporting the transition

The Nordic countries also stress that financial mechanisms are important to help developing countries in their transition to greener economies and to adapt to the effects of climate changes. This is why the Nordic countries have pledged a total amount exceeding 1 billion USD to the Green Climate Fund

Read the full declaration text here:

The Nordic countries will have a shared pavilion at COP21 and the Nordic Council of Ministers will organize a series of events under the heading New Nordic Climate Solutions.

The declaration is issued by the climate- and environment ministers of Denmark, Finland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Aland.