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David Cameron to attend summit with Nordic and Baltic Prime Ministers

15.10.15 | Uutinen
David Cameron
Flickr – Photosharing
The nine Prime Ministers will discuss creative industries and public sector innovation at Northern Future Forum in Reykjavik on the 28th and 29th of October. The NB8 ministers are gathered in Iceland to participate in The Nordic Council session.

Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson has invited the Prime Ministers of the Nordic countries, the Baltic States and the United Kingdom to discuss future trends in northern Europe at the Northern Future Forum seminar. The themes of the meeting are creative industries and simpler, smarter and innovative public services

- The forum is a great way to pool our knowledge and learn from one another. It is a unique venue where academia, the business sector and policy makers from nine countries come together to present and discuss innovative ideas. The challenges of our countries are in many ways similar and the sharing of ideas and knowledge in this open way strengthens our abilities to work through them, says Prime Minister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson.   

It will be possible to follow the event’s opening speeches, closing session and press conference by webcast.

Further information and and press accreditation : The Northern Future Forum official website

The Nordic Council session in Reykjavik 

The NB8 ministers are in Reykjavik to participate in The Nordic Council session on the 27th – and 29th of October. The Session brings together prime ministers, ministers and MPs from the whole of the Region for the biggest Nordic event on the calendar.

UN Under-Secretary-General Christian Friis Bach will introduce the debate on international policy, where the refugee crisis will be addressed in the context of the UN’s global targets for sustainable development.

Further information and and press accreditation: UN Under-Secretary-General speaks about the refugee crisis at Nordic Council Session

The winners of the Nordic Council prizes for 2015 will be announced at a ceremony in the Harpa Reykjavik Concert Hall.

Read more here: Prize ceremony 2015