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06.10.14 | Uutinen
Folkemødet 2013
Valokuvaaja Glahn
Where will New Nordic Food be in ten years? Does the Nordic kitchen live up to the ideals that started the whole Nordic food movement ten years ago? And how can we get more social advantage out of the potential inherent in "the Nordic"? The Nordic Council of Ministers will explore these questions in a series of workshops in the coming months.

#NORDICFOOD2024 is a series of vision workshops focusing on where New Nordic Food is going, and especially how far we want to go to realise the visions of the Nordic kitchen in a number of selected areas in 10 years' time.

The Nordic Council of Ministers will invite a group of leading players from across the Nordic region to discuss which activities and visions they should work on in the future.

A changing world

The world is changing rapidly and the food culture of the future is being shaped today. On a global scale we are facing major challenges with climate change, poor nutrition and malnutrition, lack of resource exploitation, growing inequality between people, cultures and between producers and consumers.

However, the Nordic Region has in many ways the basis to be one of the best and most transparent food producing areas in the world. The foundation for this lies in the Nordic social model, in our common Nordic values but it lies also in something as tangible as the Nordic Kitchen Manifesto from 2004.

The Nordic Kitchen Manifesto

The Nordic Kitchen Manifesto was conceived and formulated in 2004 in a Nordic co-operation and summarised in ten points on purity, season, ethics, health, sustainability and quality.

The six vision workshops in conjunction with #NORDISKMAT2024 will start from the kitchen manifesto's tenth point: "to join forces with consumer representatives, other cooking craftsmen, agriculture, the fishing, food, retail and wholesale industries, retail and middlemen, researchers, teachers, politicians and authorities on this common project for the benefit and advantage of everyone in the Nordic countries."

Vision workshops #NORDISKMAT2024

In a series of 6 workshops on key topics for the future of the Nordic kitchen, a focused group of qualified people will get together to show the way forward to 2024.

1. Debate: Does Nordic everyday food live up to the kitchen manifesto?  - 28.10.2014, Stockholm
2. Bioeconomy - opportunities and innovation in Nordic agriculture (Focus on food production) - 11.11.2014, Reykjavik
3. Design the food future (Food & creative industries) - 2.12.2014, Stockholm
4. Public meals as the future welfare solution - 4.12.2014, Copenhagen
5. The Nordic Region as a sustainable gastronomic region - 8.12.2014, Copenhagen
6. Future Nordic quality and export products - 9.12.2014, Malmö

Objectives and visions  

The target group is visionary players and decision-makers in the Nordic Region: chefs, farmers, directors, politicians, influential people, designers, entrepreneurs with an interest in food as a welfare solution.

The objective of the 6 workshops is to identify, develop and motivate challenges and new solutions; create ownership and engagement for solutions and efforts; ensure maximum dissemination of ideas and thoughts.


For more information, please contact:

Emil Blauert, Project Manager, New Nordic Food II (
Bettina C. Lindfors, Communications Officer, New Nordic Food II (