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Carbon neutrality: carbon reduction within the sectors

25.10.22 | Begivenheder
Welcome to a webinar about carbon neutrality and Climate action in the industry sectors in the Nordics.


09:00 - 12:00



The Webinar is organized by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute on behalf of The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and The Nordic Council of Ministers. The webinar is free of charge. 

Theme 1: Overview of how the Nordic countries has developed sectoral roadmaps on behalf of the basic industries
At the moment extensive work is underway to increase the pace of climate transition in the Nordic countries. Sector-level roadmaps have been launched in several of the Nordic countries and in some cases by the industries themselves and other cases in cooperation with governmental agencies. We begin the webinar by sharing experiences of the work to develop these roadmaps in the different Nordic countries. How do both development and implementation differ between the Nordic countries? What is the status of the roadmaps in each countries today? What remains to be done?

Theme 2: How do we create markets for basic materials with low climate impact?
In the industry specific roadmaps that have been developed in the Nordic countries, several market creating measures have been highlighted as of importance when creating incentives for the climate transition. During this theme, experiences are shared from both the private and public actors who have worked in different ways to create markets for materials with a low climate impact.