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Nordic Talks podcast live from COP27

Sophie Odupoy
Andreas Omvik/
Listen to six episodes with the aspiration to inspire the world to act on the climate crisis. The Nordic Talks COP27-specials are produced live at the Nordic Pavilion in Sharm el-Sheikh, in November 2023. The episodes cover, amongst others, the topics of regenerative cities, indigenous societies, and purposeful finance.

Episode One: Purpose finance

How can we accelerate our fight for the climate through climate finance and market mechanisms? Can we succeed in changing the way we think, create, and invest in new projects? And how can purpose investments from the private sector and voluntary compensation work as new ways of accelerating the change? 

This is discussed by Jon Johnsen, CEO of the pension fund PKA, and Hanna-Mari Ahonen, Senior Consultant at Perspectives Climate Research, in this special episode of the Nordic Talks podcast, recorded at COP27 in Egypt and moderated by André Jamholt, Senior Advisor at the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Episode Two: Regenerative cities

How can we reimagine our cities for a regenerative transformation? To regenerate means not only to do less harm, but to become a positive force that restores, renews, and regrows. In this special episode of the Nordic Talks podcast, recorded at COP27 in Egypt, we will explore how we can create a regenerative world that works within the planetary boundaries. How do we create a future where humankind, nature and our cities can all thrive and flourish? 

Participants in the discussion are Nikolaj Sveistrup, Copenhagen Institute of Future Studies, and Jo da Silva, Sustainable Director at ARUP. The talk is moderated by André Jamholt, Senior Advisor at the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Episode Three: Clean cooking

How do we improve people's health by decreasing exposure to black carbon, reduce carbon emissions, prevent deforestation, and promote gender equality by empowering women? Well, it's actually all about clean cooking. But more than 4 billion people globally, including almost 900 million people in Sub-Saharan African countries, lack access to modern and clean cooking solutions.

The topic is discussed by Sophie Odupoy, Group Head of Public Affairs at KOKO Networks, Ash Sharma, Vice President at Nefco and Head of the Modern Cooking Facility for Africa, and Mattias Frumerie, Swedish Head of Delegation to the UNFCCC, in this special episode of the Nordic Talks podcast, recorded at COP27 in Egypt and moderated by André Jamholt, Senior Advisor at the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Episode Four: Arctic socities in transition

The Arctic has warmed three times quicker than the planet as a whole, and up North the effects of the climate changes are visible already today. How can Arctic societies be agents of change in the green transition? How do Arctic societies adapt to climate change? And what pathways are possible for sparsely inhabited areas with vast distances and a harsh climate? In short: What could Arctic societies look like in 2050? This is discussed by Avijâja Jepsen, Special Consultant to Naalakkersuisut – Government of Greenland, Ola Elvestuen, member of the Norwegian Parliament and the Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment, and Sara Olsvig, International Chair of Inuit Circumpolar Council, in this special episode of the Nordic Talks podcast, recorded at COP27 in Egypt and moderated by André Jamholt, Senior Advisor at the Nordic Council of Ministers. 

Episode Five: Paving the way for behavioral change

Is the fight against climate change now seen as so urgent, that it will move humanity towards a more sustainable and just world? Or will we continue to head towards further destruction of biodiversity and natural resources, which are both so important for peace and prosperity? Are today’s parliamentarians able to make the decisions needed to pave the way for behavioral change? These are some of the questions discussed by Axel Eriksson, Swedish Youth Delegate to the UNFCCCand two members of the Norwegian Parliament, Nikolai Astrup, the Norwegian Conservative Party, and Himanshu Gulati, the Norwegian Progress Party, in this special episode of the Nordic Talks podcast, recorded at COP27 in Egypt and moderated by André Jamholt, Senior Advisor at the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Episode Six: Now what?

We came to COP27 with a sense of urgency, as we know from science that we are already running out of time. Technological fixes are certainly not enough - we need deep systemic change within every sector. Recently the pandemic showed us that it is possible to respond rapidly to a worldwide crisis. So, can we use this ability to fight the climate crisis? 

In the final episode of our COP27-special, the panellists shed light on what was discussed at COP27 in Egypt, and more importantly, they discuss where we go from here. The panel consists of Matilde Angeltveit, Norwegian Youth Delegate to the UNFCCC, Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director at the European Environment Agency, Markku Ollikainen, Professor Emeritus and Chair of the Finnish Climate Panel, and Espen Barth Eide, Norway's Minister of Climate and Environment, and is moderated by André Jamholt, Senior Advisor at the Nordic Council of Ministers.