Youth as partners in the green transition

Building sustainable communities


This policy brief is based on one of Nordregio’s Localising Agenda 2030 webinars. It highlights specific tools and processes employed by Nordic municipalities and NGOs to ensure systematic youth engagement and follow-up at the local level. During the webinar, municipal representatives from Gladsaxe in Denmark, Hafnarfjörður in Iceland, Tierp inSweden and Korsholm in Finland presented their tested tools and insights, along with two Swedish NGOs:Future Minds and Youth 2030 Movement. The examples in this policy brief on how to involve young people inlocal development generally target children and young people aged 0-25, and in some cases up to 29 years ofage.Two central questions were addressed during Nordregio's webinar: how to ensure that young people cangenuinely influence decisions that affect them; and how to conduct inclusive follow-up work.