The best of the Nordic Region live at COP23

04.11.17 | News
 Launch of Nordic Solutions to Global Challenges - Gunhild A Stordalen
Silje Katrine Robinson/
Discussions surrounding Nordic climate solutions at the UN climate summit in Bonn are not confined only to the Nordic pavilion. Discussions with top climate figures will be broadcast live by the Nordic Council of Ministers and viewers will have the opportunity to put forward their questions when ministers, chief negotiators, and politicians meet with activists, researchers, and experts to discuss Nordic solutions to global climate challenges.

Founder of the EAT Foundation Gunhild Stordalen, CEO of the International Energy Agency Fatih Birol, and the European Commission’s former director for biotechnology, agriculture, and food research Christian Patermann are some of the key figures set to feature in the Nordic pavilion’s programme at COP23 between 6 and 17 November. The Nordic ministers for the environment will also be in attendance.

“The Nordic countries have a lot to offer during the climate conference. It’s vital to have mechanisms in place for increasing the level of ambition in relation to climate efforts. We also have several Nordic climate solutions to present and so invite you to visit the Nordic pavilion,” says Norwegian Minister of Climate and Environment and chair of the Nordic Council of Ministers for the Environment and Climate Vidar Helgesen.

Two weeks of Nordic climate solutions

The emphasis of the first week in the pavilion will be on responsible consumption and production with a dedicated theme day on 7 November, followed by a Nordic bioeconomy day on 8 November, and a Nordic food day on 9 November. Sustainable cities and regions will be in the spotlight at the end of the week with an Arctic day on 10 November, and a Nordic day for sustainable urban and rural development on 11 November, with the mayors of both Oslo and Stockholm in attendance.

The High Level Week begins with Nordic finance days on 13 and 14 November focusing on funding mechanisms and the reallocation of subsidies from fossil fuels to renewable fuels. During Nordic energy day on 15 November the International Energy Agency will launch a report featuring several Nordic solutions for how heavy industry can reduce its climate impact. The following day politicians and Sweden’s Minister for Climate Izabella Lövin will discuss smart climate legislation in the Nordic pavilion.

Participate in the climate debate

Each day in the Nordic pavilion will start with an unofficial morning chat with a Nordic or international profile. Later in the day a comprehensive afternoon briefing will summarise the key points from the theme day and draw parallels with the ongoing climate negotiations.

All discussions and a selection of other events from COP23 will be broadcast live through the Facebook event Nordic Climate Solutions at COP23 with viewers given the opportunity to put forward their questions in the comments feed. The recordings will be saved and can be watched later on.