Finnish government resigns

08.03.19 | News
Finlands statsminister Juha Sipilä på Nordisk råds sesjon i København 2016.

Finlands statsminister Juha Sipilä på Nordisk råds sesjon i København 2016.

Magnus Fröderberg/

Juha Sipilä, the Prime Minister of Finland, at the Session of the Nordic Council in Copenhagen in 2016.

On Friday 8 March, the Finnish Prime Minister, Juha Sipilä, requested the permission of the President, Sauli Niinistö, to dissolve the current parliament.

The Prime Minister told a press conference that it had become clear in recent weeks that the government does not command a parliamentary majority for the proposed Social and Health Reform, one of the key points in its programme for government published when it took office four years ago.

See the press conference here.

Read the whole of Prime Minister Sipilä’s speech in Swedish

The Prime Minister said that the decision was his alone but that the other coalition parties had agreed. A general election will be held on 14 April.