Nordic contributions to global agenda in focus at US-Nordic Summit

13.05.16 | News
Dagfinn Høybråten
The Secretary General at the Nordic Council of Ministers, Dagfinn Høybråten, welcomes the outcome of the US-Nordic summit and looks ahead to future co operations.

- I am a strong believer in regional and international cooperation. There are entry points for innovative and foresighted cooperation between the U.S. and the Nordics and I am confident that the Joint Statement from the U.S.-Nordic leaders’ summit today will prove valuable in promoting and deepening an already well-established partnership.

The Joint Statement shows clear common Nordic footprints seen from a Nordic Council of Ministers’ perspective. The Nordic Council of Ministers is committed to collaborating on climate, energy and the Arctic; as well as economic growth and global development.

Already today, the NCM does extensive and progressive work on the Global Health Security Agenda, on the pressing issues of migration, refugees, human smuggling and trafficking, on the challenge of climate change, on energy questions and sustainable development of the Arctic, and on gender equality and gender equity.

A pivotal priority for the Nordic cooperation is contributing to the growth agenda in a foresighted and innovative way.

Secretary General Dagfinn Høybråten is especially happy to note that one of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ institutions, Nordic Innovation, is mentioned specifically in the Joint Statement.

- It shows the continuous value, historically and present, that the Nordic cooperation provides and intends to provide in the future. We look forward to contributing to the promotion of the U.S.-Nordic cooperation stated, confirmed and further consolidated today with the U.S.-Nordic leaders’ summit, Høbyråten says.

Read the Joint Statement here.