Nordic Economic Policy Review

Labour Market Integration in the Nordic Countries


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What can we learn from each other and others? Since the mid-eighties the Nordic countries have received a high influx of refugees relative to the population size. Currently these countries receive large numbers of refugees, notably from the Middle East. Existing studies exploiting the rich administrative registers in the Nordic countries have shown that the speed of labour market assimilation of immigrants from non-Western countries in the Nordic welfare states is slow. However, few studies distinguish between refugees and non-refugee immigrants from Non-Western countries.ContentsForeword by Anna Piil Damm and Olof ÅslundImmigrant labor market integration across admission classes (Bernt Bratsberg, Oddbjørn Raaum, and Knut Røed)Labour market integration of refugees in Denmark (Marie Louise Schultz-Nielsen)Labor market integration of refugees in Finland (Matti Sarvimäki)Labour market entry of non-labour migrants – Swedish evidence (Olof Åslund, Anders Forslund, and Linus Liljeberg)The School Achievements of Refugee Children: Lessons from Sweden (Hans Grönqvist and Susan Niknami)Does reduced cash benefit worsen educational outcomes of refugee children? (Kristian Thor Jakobsen, Nicolai Kaarsen, and Kristine Vasiljeva)The fiscal impact of refugee immigration (Joakim Ruist)
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