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Gender equality – a key to rural prosperity

25.03.21 | Tapahtuma
The population structure in the Nordic countries is changing fast. Ageing, migration, and urbanisation pose challenges for labour markets and welfare provision – especially in remote rural regions. The Covid crisis adds fuel to the fire and the response and resilience differs widely between countries and regions. What are the solutions towards a more sustainable regional development?


13:00 - 14:45

Two new reports point to the importance of adding a gender perspective to regional
policy and planning, especially in remote areas. Men and women have different
migration patterns and educational aspirations. The gender-segregated labour market
and traditional gender roles in responsibility for care are persistent. What if rural areas
could be frontrunners in breaking gender stereotypes and enabling work-life balance
for young families and local entrepreneurs?


NIKK, Nordic Information on Gender, and Nordregio, Nordic Institute for Regional
Development, invites you to a webinar exploring the connection between gender and
regional development. What can we learn from research and policies, regional experts
and local change-makers from some of the most isolated places in the Nordics?


Introduction and welcome

  • Elin Engström, NIKK, and moderator Åsa Ström Hildestrand, Nordregio


Rural realities and demographic potentials

  • Anna Karlsdóttir, Senior Research Fellow, Nordregio


Gender perspectives on regional development and isolated labour markets – results
from recent studies

  • Lena Grip, Assistant Professor in Human Geography, Karlstad University, SE
  • Erika Anne Hayfield, Associate Professor in Social Sciences, University of the Faroe Islands, FO
  • Helene Pristed Nielsen, Associate professor in gender studies, Aalborg University, DK


Comments and reflections from experts and local actors in the Nordic countries

  • Ann-Sofi Backgren, Special Advisor, SLF/Landsbygdspolitiska Rådet, Region Österbotten, FI
  • Rosi Hoffer, Coordinator, sustainable regional development, Tillväxtverket, SE
  • Dennis Holm, Educational lecturer at the University of the Faroe Islands, FO


Concluding discussion with researchers and Q&A with the audience



The webinar will be conducted in English.


Please contact Elin Engström, Head of operations, NIKK,
+46 766-229 239