State of the art report on bullying at the workplace in the Nordic countries


This is the first Nordic report on the current scientific state of art of prevention activities regarding workplace bullying in the Nordic countries. During the last 20 years the Nordic countries have been among the leading ones regarding research on this important workplace stressor. Common features among the Nordic countries made it possible to eventually compare the Nordic countries' national data on both measurements, risk factors, consequences and the prevention of bullying at the work place. Hence, after these first 20 years of pioneering research a Nordic bullying network consisting of the leading research institutions in this field within the Nordic countries was established a few years ago with the aim to coordinate research efforts and existing knowledge combined with increased cross-national collaboration and fertilization in this field. Furthermore, the network aims to contribute to establishing a joint Nordic theoretical, empirical, conceptual and methodological platform for science and for the prevention of bullying at the workplace. Factsheet related to the report can be found here.