Paths to a sustainable agricultural system

Pathways to a Nordic agricultural and food system with reduced emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants


This policy brief constitutes one of the main outputs from the project “Pathways to a Nordic food system that contributes to reduced emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants”. In cooperation with NOAH (Denmark), Suomen luonnonsuojeluliitto (Finland) and Norsk Bonde- og Småbrukarlag (Norway), AirClim (Sweden) has analysed agricultural emissions, regulatory frameworks, food production systems, consumption trends, policies for the agricultural sector and the overall environmental impact in terms of air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. The analysis also covers conflicts of interest that are counterproductive to an agricultural food production system with lower emissions of greenhouse gases and ammonia. The project is financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Climate and Air Pollution Group.