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Būtent! 2022: How to create a resilient society? Insights from Lithuania, Finland and Sweden

03.09.22 | Tapahtuma
Nordisk Råd / Nordisk Ministerråd
Russia‘s aggression against Ukraine has changed global security environment, forcing many countries to rethink their defence strategies, where civil defence plays very important role.


17:30 - 18:30

Vytautas park

Debate meeting

Please note: Times are local time - Eastern European Summertime (EEST)/ GMT+3

Creating a strong civil defence is a long and continuous process – it is about creating a culture of resilience within, and a willingness to defend, our societies. To create a strong civil defence and ensuring our societies’ resilience, many different actors must cooperate: state authorities, regions, municipalities, civil society actors and the private sector. 

Nordic countries are record-holders in the World Values Survey’s “Willingness to Fight for Country” with 74,6 - 87,6% respondents stating “Yes” in the Nordics and only 32,8% in Lithuania .

Is the culture of resilience and the willingness to defend equally strong all over society or are some groups standing out? In 2022 Lithuanian Parliament approved the draft of the strategy for preparing citizens for civil resistance. 

This discussion will delve deeper into the topic of civil defence and societal resilience. How did the Nordics get there and what can Nordics and Baltics learn from each other? 


  • Laurynas Kasčiūnas, member of the Lithuanian Parliament, Chairman of the Parliament’s Committee on National Security and Defence
  • Liisa Talonpoika, Ambassador for countering hybrid threats at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
  • Morgan Olofsson, Head of Communication, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, MSB 

Moderator: Rita Miliūtė 

Arrangers: Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania, Embassy of Sweden, Embassy of Finland and Nordic Talks