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New Swedish Minister for Nordic Co-operation

25.05.16 | Fréttir
Margot Wallström
Johannes Jansson/norden.org
The Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Margot Wallström, has been named as the new Minister for Nordic Co-operation. “I am deeply committed to Nordic co-operation,” she says.

Prime Minister Stefan Löfven reshuffled his cabinet on 25 May.

Margot Wallström assumes responsibility for Nordic affairs from Kristina Persson, who has left the government.

“I am delighted to assume responsibility for Nordic affairs after the great work done by Kristina Persson. I am deeply committed to Nordic co-operation and I already meet with my fellow Nordic foreign ministers at various events, most recently at the Nordic-American Summit in Washington DC,” the minister says.

 Will there now be a clearer feminist dimension to Nordic co-operation?

“We have a feminist government and our feminist foreign policy permeates everything the Ministry of Foreign Affairs does,” Wallström replies.

 You have a an important and demanding portfolio. Will you have time to travel to meetings of the ministers for Nordic co-operation?

“Of course we will find time to prioritise our closest neighbours. Nordic co-operation is important and good for Sweden,” she says.  

The reshuffle included several changes, including three new ministers joining the cabinet.