Energy Efficiency and Climate Change

The 17th Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference (BSPC) - Visby, Sweden, 31 August - 2 September 2008.


The Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference (BSPC) was established in 1991 as a forum for political dialogue between parliamentarians from the Baltic Sea Region. BSPC gathers parliamentarians from altogether 27 national parliaments, regional parliaments and parliamentary organizations around the Baltic Sea. The BSPC thus constitutes a unique parliamentary bridge between all the EU- and non-EU countries of the Baltic Sea Region. BSPC aims at raising awareness and opinion on issues of current political interest and relevance for the Baltic Sea Region. It promotes and drives various initiatives and efforts to support a sustainable environmental, social and economic development of the Baltic Sea Region. It strives at enhancing the visibility of the Baltic Sea Region and its issues in a wider European context. Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference Secretariat, c/o Nordic Council, Store Strandstrade 18, DK-1255 Copenhagen K, Denmark, +45 33 96 04 00,,,