Nordic Circular Economy Playbook 2.0

Transform and Scale


This playbook builds on the Nordic Circular Economy Playbook,and is tailored to companies in the Nordic manufacturing industries. It providesexamples onthe following five sub-sectors: (1) machinery & equipment, (2) maritime, (3) energy, (4) transportation, (5) construction.•Companies need to transform and scale their business as a response to increased pressure from industry drivers, as well asunlocking new business opportunities in order to face climate changerelatedchallenges.•Circular economy and circular business models are about turning inefficiencies in linear value chains into business value. This playbook identifies key circular business models for the industry sub-sectors as well as key ecosystem actors to enable transformation across the value chain.•There are three stages a company typically needsto undergo on their transformation journey; explore & shape, attract & win, and scale and keep growing. This playbook focuseson the third stage and outlining the main challenges when scaling, which are related to people & culture, new collaborations, lack of transparency, and the sustainability organisation ownership.•The playbook is also describing the key enablers to fully transform and become a circular business; (a) focus on making one part of the business fully circular before scaling,(b) integrate data & technology in the entire transformation journey, (c) invest in the people and the organisation, and (d) have a dedicated transformation team.