2. Alþjóðamál: Gestafyrirlesari

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Secretary-General, Prime Ministers, parliamentarians, friends! It is an honour to be asked to speak to you all today. This is the…

Madame Prime Minister, 

On behalf of the Centre Group, I wish you a warm welcome to the session of the Nordic Council in Olso. Thank you for your very important speech! We place…

Thank you very much for your comments about the relationship between the UK and the Nordic countries. And you are right, there are such strong links - people-to-people links - both in people…

Mr Speaker, Prime Minister,

I will follow up on the previous question, not surprisingly, since we have the same concerns here. All the Nordic countries enjoy warm and close relations…

Thank you,

On your first question, it follows up indeed from the first question I was asked. It was one aspect of that which you have picked up that I had not responded to, which of course…

Honourable Madam Prime Minister! We are sorry to see the United Kingdom leave the European Union. The UK has been a great ally to those Nordic Countries who are members of the European Union…

Thank you! First of all, can I say that from everything I have seen in the EU Council, there will be a strong Nordic voice in the EU Council when the United Kingdom has left - I can assure…

Madam Prime Minister! I visited your country during the referendum - very exciting! The Nordic Green Left wish that in the future, it will be easier to leave the EU if a country wants to…

Thank you! If I may first just make a point: The UK wants to see the EU continuing to be a strong entity. We are leaving, but we want to see the EU continue to be strong. We want to develop a good…

Dear Madame Prime Minister! Thank you very much for your nice speech and your answers! We in the Nordic Freedom Group would like to congratulate you on the Brexit referendum. Democracy is a…