Ecolabels in the Nordic Fisheries and Aquaculture Industry


IUU fishing has been a major nuisance in Nordic fisheries for many years, and it has proved difficult to get rid of the problem by governmental controls alone. Engaging consumers and the market however, could be a supplement to public actions, and make the loopholes smaller for this kind of black market economy. Ecolabeling is a tool which could contribute to responsible behaviour throughout the industry, and give the consumer the option of making informed choices. For the industry however, choosing the most relevant ecolabel can be difficult as there are several labels available on the market, and they emphasize different aspects of the sustainability concept. In this book prepared for the Nordic Council of Ministers by Det Norske Veritas a review of the most relevant ecolabels is presented, as well as an assessment of each label against a defined set of criteria. The intention of this publication is thus that it could be of assistance for businesses which are considering which ecolabels to choose for their products, and also to stimulate further discussions and professional development in the Nordic seafood sector in the realms of documentation, labelling and tracing.