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Prosperous Future – Application Programme for Civil Society Cooperation in the Nordic-Baltic Region

Propsperous Future
Prosperous Future supports civil society cooperation in the Nordic-Baltic region

The Prosperous Future programme supports Nordic organisations’ cooperation for a green, democratic, and resilient region with civil society in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and partners from civil society organizations with relation to Ukraine, as well as democratic, independent partners with relation to Belarus and Russia.


With Prosperous Future, the Nordic Council of Ministers aims to continue to enable and strengthen people-to-people cooperation in the Nordic-Baltic region by supporting civil society and democratic development towards sustainable and resilient societies in line with Our Vision 2030. 


It is the Nordic Council of Ministers’ vision to become the most integrated and sustainable region in the world by 2030. To fulfill Our Vision 2030, the Nordic Council of Ministers has three overarching strategic priorities: a green region, a competitive region, and a socially sustainable region.

Furthermore, the three horizontal perspectives, sustainable development, gender equality, and a child rights and youth perspective, should permeate the work of the Nordic Council of Ministers. Mainstreaming these perspectives is a prerequisite to attaining the Nordic Council of Ministers’ vision.

What projects can be supported?

All projects supported through the Prosperous Future programme must be in line with The Nordic Council of Ministers’ Our Vision 2030 and the strategic priorities. This means, all supported projects must fulfill at least one of the three strategic priorities, and take into account the three horizontal perspectives.


Eligible projects may span a wide variety of topics, for example, democratic development, human rights, capacity building, education, children & youth, gender equality, LGBTI, culture, sustainable development, as well as innovation and digitalization.


The total budget for the Prosperous Future programme is 8.000.000 DKK.


A minimum amount of 300.000 DKK, and a maximum amount of 500.000 DKK per project can be applied for. Projects usually last from one to one and a half year.

Who can apply?

To support civil society cooperation and broad partnerships across the region, there are special requirements for the partnership structure in the Prosperous Future programme.


Eligible partners to apply for funding from Prosperous Future are civil society organisations from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Aaland Islands, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland.  Applications that include partners from civil society organisations with relation to Ukraine, as well as democratic, independent partners with relation to Belarus or Russia are eligible.


The detailed requirements for partnership structure are described in the Prosperous Future Guidelines on the dedicated Prosperous Future web portal, that you will find by clicking on the link below.

How to apply?

To apply for a Prosperous Future grant please go to the dedicated Prosperous Future web portal. Here you will find detailed information about the programme, including the online application form and guidelines.


Before applying to this programme, we kindly ask you to read the guidelines.

The next application round opens in the autumn 2024.


For more information about the Prospeorus Future Programme, please contact