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Arvamusfestival 2022

Jana Laigo /Barefoot Studio
12 and 13 August 2022: Arvamusfestival in Estonia

Arvamusfestival in Estonia is a venue for everyone. The festival aims to promote inclusivity and gender equality by bringing people together who hold different worldviews.

The goal is to strengthen the culture of debate and sharing of knowledge. Both individuals and organisations can arrange or propose debates, resulting in a wide variety of topics from national security, digitalisation and innovation, to health and social issues. 

Arvamusfestival celebrates its tenth anniversary in 2022.


12 August 2.00 PM: Navigating next gen technologies for culture

What’s the impact of digitalization on the cultural sector? Is it giving rise to completely new opportunities? Or is there a risk that culture will be diluted and reduced into some sort of simplistic quick-fix entertainment?

13 August 4.00 PM: Leaving big cities - Temporary or permanent?

Do the home offices of the pandemic era bring along a larger change in how people choose where they live? Will the new reality where many prefer to live and work in their countryhomes or smaller towns result in a long-term exodus from big cities?