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Decoupling in the Nordics 2023 - Is economic growth compatible with a sustainable future?

23.03.23 | Evenemang
decoupling konference
The Nordic Working Group for Environment and Economy invites stakeholders all over the Nordics to a hybrid conference presenting the main findings from the report:
“Is Economic Growth Compatible with a Sustainable Nordic Future?” as well as giving space for an exciting debate with key experts within the field.


09:00 - 13:00

Norion Consult
Tomsgaardsvej 19
København NV


The conference will focus on different viewpoints concerning the possibilities of achieving decoupling, and a nuanced approach to the topic will highlight all the complexities entailed.

Please note that the number of participants who can participate on site in Copenhagen is limited, so register as soon as possible, and be part of the investigation into possibilities and barriers for decoupling in the Nordics.


Abstract of the report: 
A core element of sustainable development strategies is that economic growth is decoupled from resource use and associated environmental degradation. This report examines evidence from literature to evaluate whether absolute decoupling is a realistic long-term solution to rapidly approaching environmental crises. It finds limited evidence for periods of absolute decoupling, despite two decades of green growth policy. Where absolute decoupling in environmental pressures has occurred, this has not been rapid enough to respect planetary boundaries.