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Gender stereotypes kill dream careers

04.03.14 | Nyhed
Johannes Jansson/
Why do young people still make educational choices based on traditional gender roles? And what measures can be done to promote a greater gender balance in employment and education? These questions will be discussed at a Nordic seminar in New York on March 13th.

The seminar addresses the range of different challenges and obstacles for gender equality that still remain in the Nordic countries within education and employment. Experts in the field of social and educational research will discuss challenges and possible measures to obtain a greater gender balance.

Do Everything – Break Stereotypes
when Choosing Education and Work

Date: Thursday 13th of March 2014
Time: 15.00–17.00
Place: Scandinavia House,
58 Park Ave, New York, NY 10016

A light refreshment will be served at a networking reception from 17.00–18.00.
R.S.V.P. to no later than 11 March 2014


Welcoming remarks by Ms. Bente Svensen Frantz
Chairman of the Board of Trustees, The American-Scandinavian Foundation

Opening remarks by Mr. Dagfinn Høybråten
Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers

  • Ms. Helga Aune
    Postdoctoral research fellow, Ph.D – Department of Public and International Law, University of Oslo, Norway
  • Ms. Nanna Højlund
    Vice President of Women’s Council in Denmark and Union official in Trade and Labour, Denmark
  • Ms. Berglind Rós Magnúsdóttir
    Lecturer / Assistant Professor, School of Education, University of Iceland, Iceland
  • Ms. Miriam Nordfors
    Political Adviser, Sweden
  • Ms. Sara Sundell
    Gender Equality Adviser, Folkhälsan (Social and Health Care Organisation), Finland

Moderator: Ms. Rósa Guðrún Erlingsdóttir
Special Adviser, Department of Social and Labour Market Affairs, Ministry of Welfare, Iceland