Examples of progressive technologies and practices in Nordic Waste Treatment Industries


The aim of this study is to support the future update of the present BREF’s from 2006 on Waste Treatment Industries. The practical work has been carried out by the Ramboll Group and associated consultants in close cooperation with the Nordic BAT-group with Rambøll Danmark A/S as leading consultant. The study made it clear that there are several BAT-level technologies, processes etc. already implemented in the Waste Treatment Industries in the Nordic Countries. The study was carried out in cooperation with these industries. The general objective was to identify a total of approx. 60 industries and select and describe in more detail a total of approx. 30 relevant industries. Among the total of 57 identified industries 49 are classified as "Estab-lished techniques" and 8 are classified as "Emerging techniques". All the objects were screened for environmental and climate impacts and 29 were selected based on level of achieved impact.