Next Nordic Green Transport Wave – Large Vehicles

Nordic Transport Regulations for Large-scale Hydrogen Transport


Electrification of the transport sector already began and the Nordic countries, specifically Norway and Iceland, have taken major steps resulting in battery electric vehicles (BEVs)  already accounting for a substantial percentage of the total sales. The world is looking towards the Nordics as they are providing global examples for success. However, little is happening regarding larger vehicles as battery solution still are not able to provide heavy-duty users (e.g.,buses, trucks, and lorries) the mobility they need.The Next Nordic Green Transport Wave – Large Vehicles project will deliver an analysis on large-scale transport of hydrogen with mobile pipeline, a description of the innovation and business potential for a roll-out of FC buses in the Nordic region, as well as a coordinated action plan for stimulating the FC truck demand and a prospect for utilising hydrogen in heavy-duty equipment. Finally, the project will contribute to national and Nordic hydrogen strategy processes even providing input to a possible Nordic hydrogen strategy.In this deliverable, the most important boundary conditions for hydrogen transport from centralised production plants to HRS or industrial users are analysed for each Nordic country. The two most important boundary conditions are: 1) local regulations for the maximum length and weight of thetrucks carrying the hydrogen, and 2) availability of suitable hydrogen transport containers. The regulations are reported here, while the availability and applicability of hydrogen transport containers is reported in Deliverable 2.4. The study of local regulations includes maximum length and weight of the trucks. In addition, also allowable vehicle height, width, and vehicle configurations, as well as safety regulations and other country-specific framework conditions, are accounted for.In Sweden and Norway, different road classes apply. For Sweden these are reported for two road classes, while for Norway only roads with the 19.5 m classification are considered in the analysis.