Sustainable Tourism in Nordic Harbour Towns

Project Reportand Handbook for Municipal Innovation


Tourism has been an important industry in the Nordic region for decades, and an important way for the Nordic countries to connect and interact with the world at large. Due to the unique combination of opportunities and challenges that a growing tourism in the region represent, the dynamics of the industry has been a focus area for the Nordic Council of Ministers for years.As part of Nordic Innovation’s overall vision of increasing the sustainability of and cross-regional collaboration on tourism in the region, the project ‘Sustainable Tourism in Nordic Harbour Towns’ was initiated in 2019 with a set of specific goals in mind.- Engage a diverse range of municipalities across the region in defining and collaborating on addressing key challenges emanating from harbour tourism - Increase environmental, social, and financial sustainability of harbour and cruise tourism - Identify innovations that can address the challenges through cross-regional public-private partnerships - Implement and pilot 1-3 innovations in Nordic harbour towns, generating unique data on the potential for innovation in sustainable tourism - Evaluate and share the findings and experience from the project in a way that can serve as a lighthouse for innovation in Nordic municipalities