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“Healthy online behavior and youth mental health – a Nordic perspective”

28.11.22 | Begivenheder
Unge og digitalisering
The Nordic Council of Ministers and The Nordic Network on mental well-being among young people in the Nordic countries
invite you to a webinar.


13:00 - 15:00




Findings from the work in the Nordic Network
By Ninna Nordby Kjeldsen, consultant, the National Board of Social Services, Denmark

How does social media relate to symptoms of anxiety and depressed moods?
By Dr. Ingibjörg Eva Þórisdóttir, chief analytics and advisory officer at Planet Youth, Iceland.

A presentation on the relationship of active and passive social media use with self-reported symptoms of anxiety and depressed mood among Icelandic youth. The presentation includes a gender perspective.

Mental health and well-being in adolescence: Exploring the role of social media
By Jens Christoffer Skogen, full research professor at the Department of Health Promotion, Bergen Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

A presentation on the use of social media as a factor in youth life and mental health from a current research project in Bergen.

Short break

Online youth culture – Understanding the digital lives of youth
By Christian Mogensen, specialist consultant, Centre for Digital Youth Care, Denmark.
A presentation on how to understand and support the digital lives of children and the youth.

What is The Nordic Network on mental well-being among young people in the Nordic countries?

Denmark held the presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2020 and initiated an interdisciplinary priority project entitled Nordic Youth in Sustainable Communities. The project runs from 2020 to 2022 and consists of three tracks, where The Nordic Network manages the third track. The Network consists of representatives from the national boards of health, welfare and/or social services in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, the Faroe Islands and Greenland. The project is carried out with support from the Nordic Council of Ministers.
