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Conference: Energy Security and Citizens

19.10.23 | Begivenheder
Lady with dog
Yadid Levy/
Welcome to the conference Energy Security and Citizens on 19 October in Reykjavík, Iceland.


09:00 - 12:00

Hilton Reykjavik Nordica
2 Suðurlandsbraut 108


The Nordic countries are experiencing an unprecedented energy crisis. The situation varies from country to country, but everywhere a new concern has risen among citizens and industry: Can we be sure to get un-interrupted supply of energy?

At the same time, new energy infrastructures can change landscapes. Without good dialogue with the surrounding communities, people's sense of involvement as well as their attitude towards new energy production might be affected. The more our citizens are engaged in the process and the planning, the better. Engagement can lead not only to acceptance, but also to active ownership – perhaps even economic co-ownership. How do we best do this?

Join us for a session addressing some of the most pressing energy issues in the Nordic region, through expert comments, discussion, and panel debate. The conference will also offer great possibilities to network. Participation is free and everyone are welcome to attend.

The conference is co-organized by Nordic Energy Research, the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate, the Government of Iceland.


  • The Nordic Energy Trilemma – Security of Supply, Prices and the Just Transition
  • Energy in geopolitical security of supply perspectives
  • Where and how can we best gain from Nordic collaboration?
  • Understanding citizens' opposition
  • Citizen involvement in renewable energy
  • Policy tools for acceptance of onshore wind and solar
  • How can we safeguard and develop our Nordic tradition for democracy and active user participation?

Confirmed speakers

  • Karen Ellemann, Secretary General, Nordic Council of Ministers
  • Gudlaugur Thór Thórdarson, Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate, Iceland
  • Kalistat Lund, Minister for Energy, Greenland
  • Ingilín Didriksen Strøm, Minister for the Environment, Faroe Islands
  • Klaus Skytte, CEO, Nordic Energy Research
  • Dag Inge Fjeld, Assistant Professor, Kristiania University College, School of Communication, Leadership and Marketing
  • Kristian Borch, Senior Researcher, Aalborg University and Ruralis, Institute for Rural and Regional Research, Trondheim University
  • Claus Meineche, Head of division, Danish Energy Agency
  • Izabela Surwillo, Senior Researcher, Danish institute for international studies – DIIS
  • Kjell-Arne Ottosson, Chairman of the Committee for Growth and Development in the Nordic Region, the Nordic Council
  • Masha Lukyanchuk, Senior Regional Manager for Europe, World Energy Council
  • Daria Shapovalova (moderator), Co-director, the Aberdeen University Centre for Energy Law, and Chair of the Scottish Arctic Network
  • Halla Hrund Logadóttir (moderator), Director-General, The National Energy Authority, Iceland, and Co-founder and former Director of the Arctic Initiative at Harvard Kennedy School