Mini-seminar on international prosecution of environmental crime/ecocide

20.01.22 | Event
oljefat i havet
Climate change and the loss of biodiversity have made international prosecution of environmental crimes more topical than ever. The Committee for a Sustainable Nordic Region wants to know more and has invited leading experts, including representatives of indigenous peoples and young people, to talk about the importance of the international and regional prosecution of environmental crimes.


02:00 PM - 04:00 PM



14:00–14:05 Welcome, Magnus Ek, chair of the Committee for a Sustainable Nordic Region


14:05–14:20 Why it should be possible to prosecute environmental crimes at the International Criminal Court, Jojo Mehta, Director of Stop Ecocide International


14:20–14:30 Discussion


14:30–14:45 How does the EU relate to environmental crime in the EU and beyond, Ms. Marie Toussaint MEP (The Greens/European Free Alliance Group)


14:45–14:55 Discussion


14:55–15:10 Environmental crime from a private sector perspective, Sophie Dembinski, Head of Public Policy and UK Country Manager, Ecosia (tech company)


15:10–15:20 Discussion


15:20–15:35 How important is the prosecution of environmental crimes for indigenous peoples, Aslak Holmberg, Vice president, Saami Council.


15:35–15:45 Discussion


15:45–15:55 Environmental crime from a youth perspective

Tine Sille Svendsen, Nordic Youth Representative


15:55–16:00 Round up by Sofia Geisler, vice-chair of the Committee for a Sustainable Nordic Region