Accreditation and recognition of foreign degrees in Iceland

Viðurkenning á prófum á Íslandi
In some instances, persons may need to apply for accreditation of their professional qualifications in connection with work or study. This information concerns evaluation of academic studies and assessment of professional qualifications.

Evaluation of academic studies

The NARIC/ENIC office in Iceland handles evaluation of academic education. It operates within the University of Iceland but serves all Icelandic tertiary-level institutions.

The office does not make decisions on assessment of qualifications, but only provides guidelines and advice. The office's tasks include providing opinions on assessing degrees based on the assessment methods of the NARIC and ENIC network and providing information on degrees, education systems and assessment processes to individuals, universities and other stakeholders.

Assessment of professional qualifications

Appraisal of professional qualifications is conducted by the ministries responsible for the sector under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and Children. The Ministry of Health, for instance, is responsible for accrediting practitioners within the health sector, and the Ministry of Industry for the accreditation of workers in industrial trades.

Occupational/Professional regulations in certain sectors in Iceland

In addition to the licensed trades, special rules apply to some professions, for example, regarding education and certification. 

Contact Info Norden for more information on professional regulations

Nordic companies and individuals should be able to operate and work in other Nordic countries, but in some cases laws or professional regulations can obstruct free movement between Nordic labour markets.

Obstacles arising from professional regulations usually have to be resolved within the relevant industry. Such obstructions can often be remedied with better information. This can be effected through sector associations, professional associations and trade unions, or information services such as Info Norden.

Info Norden urges professional associations, trade unions, enterprises and employees to provide information on professional regulations in the Nordic countries.

If you know of such rules in Nordic countries and the obstacles they may cause, you can contact Info Norden and describe them as well as you can.

Contact the authorities
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Please fill in our contact form if you have any questions or if you have encountered an obstacle in another Nordic country.

NB! If you have questions regarding the processing of a specific case or application, or other personal matters, please contact the relevant authority directly.

Info Norden is the information service of the Nordic Council of Ministers. Here you can find info and tips if you wish to move, work, study, seek support or start a business in the Nordic region.