Data protection policy (for GDPR)

Our data protection policy contains the terms and conditions that apply when we process your personal data, and your rights when using our website.

Who are we?

The Nordic Council of Ministers is the official forum for inter-governmental co-operation, the Nordic Council is the official forum for inter-parliamentary co-operation. The work is overseen by the Ministers for Nordic co-operation and the elected members of the Nordic Council.

As part of this work, we collect a range of data about you if you contact us.

In the other menus, we have gone into more detail about what we collect, why we collect it, what we do to protect your data, why we collect personal data and what rights you have with regard to data protection.

What is personal data?

Personal data can be many things.

It may be a name, address and telephone number. Or it may be an image file or an IP address.

Personal data means all forms of information that can be used to identify an individual. As a consequence, it is not just the single piece of information that determines whether or not it can be classed as personal.

If a number of pieces of personal information do not identify an individual on their own but do so when put together, then they can be characterised as “personal data”.

We collect personal data in several ways

We collect personal data about you in the following ways:

  • When you use our website
  • When you buy our publications online
  • When you subscribe to our newsletter
  • When you provide us with it yourself
  • If you enter into a contract with us
  • If you get in touch with us directly by e-mail etc.
  • When you take part in meetings run by us.

You can find out in the menu below why, and on what basis, we do this.

We process your data in several ways

Read about how:

Your rights

This section contains details of your rights with regard to our processing of your data, including:

If you would like more information or would like to exercise any of the above rights, please get in touch using the contact details below.


We do everything in our power to ensure that your data is processed in a secure manner and that your rights are protected as far as possible. We also conduct regular reviews of our procedures and of how we process personal data.

In the unlikely event that you feel that we are not dealing with your enquiry and your rights in accordance with the legislation, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us – by e-mail using the heading “Klage” (”Complaint”) in the subject field.

You can write to us at

If you still feel that we are not dealing with your enquiry and your rights in accordance with the legislation, you may submit a complaint to the Danish Data Protection Agency via:

Datatilsynet (Danish Data Protection Agency)
Borgergade 28
DK-1300 Copenhagen K
Telephone: +45 33 19 32 00

Contact details

Nordic Council of Ministers
Address: Ved Stranden 18, DK-1061 Copenhagen K
CVR no.: 43041916
Tel.: +45 33 96 02 00

Contact information