Trade unions in Finland

Ammattiliitot Suomessa
On this page you can find information about Finnish trade unions and trade union confederations.

Trade unions defend workers' interests and protect the interests of their members. 

In Finland, workers have the right to belong to a trade union. Workers must not be treated differently depending on whether they are members of a trade union or not. Membership of a trade union is voluntary.

What does a trade union do?

Trade unions look after their members’ interests and promote the interests of workers, for example when it comes to wages and working conditions. Trade unions can also offer workers a range of services, advice and training. In addition, member benefits may include, for example, insurance, discounts and leisure benefits.

Trade unions are also involved in negotiations on collective agreements, among other things. Read more about trade unions on the InfoFinland website.

What does trade union membership cost?

As a trade union member, you pay a membership fee to the union. The membership fee can be a certain amount or a percentage of your wages. Typically, percentage-based membership fees are 1-2% of wages. Trade union membership fees are tax-deductible. Read more on the InfoFinland website.

Trade union confederations in Finland

The majority of trade unions in Finland belong to one of the three major confederations. You can find your trade union through the confederation.

  • Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions SAK. SAK has 18 member unions representing workers in industry, the public sector, transport, private services, communications, culture and sport.
  • Finnish Confederation of Professionals STTK. STTK has 13 member unions representing both public and private sector employees in industry and services, such as municipal and state civil servants and workers in the health, parish, forestry and rescue sectors.
  • Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff in Finland Akava. Akava has 36 member unions representing university-educated workers such as teachers, doctors, economists, lawyers, researchers and engineers.

Read more on the websites of the trade union confederations.

Unemployment funds in Finland

When they join a trade union, workers often also join an unemployment fund. However, you do not need to be a member of an unemployment fund to join a trade union, and you can also join an unemployment fund without being a member of a trade union. Read more about unemployment funds on the page Unemployment benefits in Finland.

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