Work permits and residence permits in Iceland

Atvinnu- og dvalarleyfi á Íslandi
Here you can find information for persons who want to live and work in Iceland for a longer period.

Nordic citizens

Citizens of Nordic countries do not need a work or residence permit to be able to live and work in other Nordic countries.  However, they do have to comply with the rules of the state concerned regarding registration in the National Register.  

Citizens of EU and EEA states

Citizens of EEA states can stay in Iceland without a special permit for up to three months from the time of their arrival in Iceland.  A person looking for work can stay in Iceland for up to six months.  After that they must register with Registers Iceland.

Citizens from other parts of the world

Citizens from countries outside the EEA wishing to move to Iceland to work there must obtain a work permit. They also need a residence permit in order to be able to reside legally in Iceland. There are different types of residence permits depending on the reason for the stay.

A residence permit or work permit issued in Iceland is not valid as a residence and work permit in other countries. Nor are residence permits and work permits issued in other countries valid as residence permits and work permits in Iceland. 

The Directorate of Immigration issues residence permits and visas in Iceland. In the capital region applications for both must be submitted to the Directorate of Immigration, while in other districts the respective District Commissioner handles these matters.

Residence permits for children are granted for the purpose of allowing children to be reunited with their parents in Iceland. The child must be younger than 18 years of age and the parent applying for reunification must have legal custody of the child.

A residence permit can be issued for a person who intends to move to Iceland to live with their spouse. The permit may be granted on the basis of marriage or cohabitation.

More information about residence permits and work permits in Iceland can be obtained from the Directorate of Immigration and the Multicultural Information Centre.

Contact the authorities
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Please fill in our contact form if you have any questions or if you have encountered an obstacle in another Nordic country.

NB! If you have questions regarding the processing of a specific case or application, or other personal matters, please contact the relevant authority directly.

Info Norden is the information service of the Nordic Council of Ministers. Here you can find info and tips if you wish to move, work, study, seek support or start a business in the Nordic region.