Digital North – Nordic-Baltic ministerial conference on digitalisation, 25 April

07.04.17 | News
Invitasjon til konferansen Digital North
Minister for Nordic co-operation Frank Bakke-Jensen and Norwegian Minister for Local Government and Modernisation Jan Tore Sanner are hosting Digital North, a Nordic-Baltic ministerial conference on digitalisation. The Nordic-Baltic countries are leading the way with regard to digitalisation in Europe. During this conference the countries will make a ministerial declaration on closer co-operation.


Digitisation is a key component in the development of a competitive edge in Europe. This is one of the focus areas of Norway’s presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers this year, whose main priorities are the Nordic Region in transition, the Nordic Region in Europe, and the Nordic Region in the world.

The Nordic and Baltic countries rank highly in the EU’s Digital Economy and Society Index. Denmark tops the list with Norway second, Finland third, and Sweden fourth. Digital North will put closer political co-operation on digitalisation in the Nordic Region and Europe on the agenda. Topics that will be discussed at the conference include transition, cross-border digital services, smart societies, and the sharing economy.

Digital North will be attended by Nordic and Baltic ministers responsible for digitalisation policy, as well as representatives from businesses in the two regions.

The conference is being hosted by the Norwegian Ministry for Local Government and Modernisation in collaboration with the Nordic Council of Ministers and Nordic Innovation.

Digital North conference

Time and place: 
The conference starts at 09:00 on 25 April and will take place at Quality Hotel Expo, Snarøyveien 20, at Fornebu in Norway.
A press briefing about the ministerial declaration will take place at 14:15 at Villa Hareløkken, also at Fornebu.
Parts of the programme will be streamed at
Follow the conference on social media by using the hashtags #digitalnorth and #norden2017

Places are limited. We therefore request that you register in advance by sending an e-mail to

Watch the conference here: