NATO, Russia, and the Baltic in the spotlight at Nordic conference

26.09.16 | News
Johannes Jansson/
What can the Nordic countries do to improve security in the Baltic Sea region? Would security be better if all the Nordic countries were members of NATO? These are just two of the questions that will feature at a defence and security conference hosted by the Nordic Council in Helsingør on 10 October.

President of the Nordic Council Henrik Dam Kristensen has been invited to the conference in conjunction with Denmark’s presidency of the Nordic Council this year and has chosen co-operation on defence as one of three priority areas. Danish Minister of Defence Peter Christensen will also be in attendance.

“Defence and security policy issues are especially relevant to the Nordic countries right now due to the increasingly tense situation around the Baltic Sea. The conference deals with the challenges Nordic co-operation on defence faces and the joint solutions the Nordic Region can develop to reduce these tensions,” says Henrik Dam Kristensen.

In my speech, I will speak about Finnish and Swedish relations with NATO, and I will give specific recommendations on what these two countries should do to improve security in the Baltic Sea region.

During the conference, three defence policy experts will give their thoughts on the following three topics: the Nordic Region in the world; the Nordic Region in the immediate area; and the Nordic Region in everyday life. Ann-Sofie Dahl, associate professor of international politics, will speak on “Russian aggression and Nordic responses”.

“In my speech, I will speak about Finnish and Swedish relations with NATO, and I will give specific recommendations on what these two countries should do to improve security in the Baltic Sea region,” says Dahl.

Frigate trip

The conference takes place from 13:00 to 17:00 on 10 October at Kronborg in Helsingør. Those who are interested can also join the frigate Ivar Hvidtfeldt for a trip starting in Copenhagen at 08:15. The trip will include a demonstration of the frigate and a display of the interaction between the vessel and helicopter units.

Transport will then be laid on between Copenhagen and the conference in Helsingør after the trip.

The conference is being held in co-operation with the Nordic Council’s Danish delegation, the Danish parliament, the Royal Danish Defence College, and the Danish Ministry of Defence.

A more detailed programme and further information can be obtained from the contact people listed below.