New Info Norden offers more useful Nordic information

10.01.19 | News
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Yadid Levy/

New Info Norden provides information to the region’s residents who want to know more about freedom of movement in the Nordic countries. Since the beginning of the year, Info Norden’s remit has been broadened.

The Nordic Council of Ministers is enhancing its information service for Nordic residents. From the start of 2019, anyone wanting to know more about Nordic funding and support, or about how to run a business in another Nordic country can turn to Info Norden for assistance.

Info Norden is the new name for the council of ministers’ previous information service Hello Norden, which over several years provided Nordic residents who wanted to move to, study or work in another Nordic country with practical information. The service is the council of ministers’ foremost information channel for citizens, and the website is well frequented by Nordic residents.

As of 2019, the name of the information service changed to Info Norden in order to be more explicit about the function of the service. At the same time, its remit was broadened. Info Norden will now also provide information to individuals wanting to start and run a business in the Nordic Region. It is essentially about directing people to the right institutions. In addition, Info Norden will provide citizens with information about Nordic funding and support, as well as general information about Nordic co-operation.

“We can see a clear need for more information among Nordic citizens and it’s brilliant that we can now enhance our information service Info Norden by including more general information on Nordic co-operation and Nordic support systems. All the Nordic countries benefit from freedom of movement and we will do everything we can within Nordic co-operation to facilitate the mobility of our citizens. Info Norden plays a key role in this,” says the Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers Dagfinn Høybråten.

Information in your language

Info Norden can be found on the Nordic Council of Ministers’ website Info Norden also has a physical presence by way of offices in all five Nordic countries, as well as in the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Åland. Information is available in all the Nordic languages and in English.

The service is primarily internet-based, in that contact with Info Norden should primarily be made by submitting a form on the information service’s website. However, there is also a phone number for each country that anyone who is interested in the service can call.