New Nordic Climate Solutions – "Green Growth the Nordic Way" at COP20

04.12.14 | News
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Nikolaj Bock/
The Nordic countries have for decades been at the forefront in the fight to combat climate change. In the new issue of “Green Growth the Nordic Way” you can read about the latest results from some of the projects facilitated by the Nordic Council of Ministers.

The latest issue of "Green Growth the Nordic Way” provides an overview of the many climate related activities of the Nordic Council of Ministers. This includes the Nordic Partnership Initiative pioneering the way we finance climate mitigation and the Nordic Climate Facility that brings new climate solutions to developing countries.

In addition, the Top-level Research Initiative – the biggest common Nordic research and innovation project to date - has now launched its final results, showing an impressive range of new climate solutions. Solutions, that truly testify to the holistic approach and comprehensive range of the work done by the Nordics within the field of climate.

All this will be presented at COP20 in Peru and developed further leading up to COP21 in Paris next year. But for now, you can get better acquainted with this broad range of New Nordic Climate Solutions in our green growth magazine.

Read "Green Growth the Nordic Way” at


The Nordic Way at COP20

The Nordic Working Group for Global Climate Negotiations (NOAK) was established to support the UN negotiations in the lead up to COP15 and has done so ever since, bringing out reports that put the current climate agenda into perspective. Likewise the Nordic Climate and Air Pollution Group pitches in, most recently with an innovative IPCC communications initiative.

The Nordic Partnership Initiative has pioneered the work on establishing new NAMA projects, notably in Peru and Vietnam with efforts led by NOAK along with the Nordic Environment Financing Corporation and the Nordic Development Fund, respectively. The two latter also cooperate on the Nordic Climate Facility, bringing new climate solutions to developing countries.

The Nordic Investment Bank is increasingly involved in climate projects in the Nordic region and surrounding countries. And finally, the Nordic Prime Ministers’ green growth initiative amongst other things tackles the difficult issue of fossil fuel subsidies.

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