New reports identify ways to increase textile reuse and recycling

02.06.14 | News
Johannes Jansson/
Between 54-80% of used textiles in the Nordic countries are thrown out in mixed waste and end up being incinerated or landfilled despite being suitable for reuse or recycling. Three new reports published by the Nordic Waste Group and the Nordic Council of Ministers analyse the problem and point out ways to substantially increase reuse and recycling of textiles in the region

Two of the reports, "Towards a Nordic textile strategy" and "Towards a new Nordic textile commitment", analyse the current collection, sorting, reuse and recycling systems in the region.  The aim is to improve the infrastructure for textile waste treatment and develop a common quality requirement system for the companies involved.

”We only collect 20-46% of the textiles used in the Nordic countries. There’s an evident need to increase and improve our textile collection, because it’s a valuable resource,” says Sanna Due Sjöström, Chair of the Nordic Waste Group.

“We need to establish large-scale, high-grade textile fibre recycling. By developing the right technologies, the Nordic region has an opportunity to create a new world leading recycling industry,” Due Sjöström affirms.

The third report, "EPR systems and new business models", addresses the benefits of developing Extended Producer Responsibility models, encouraging textile producers to design for durability and be more aware of the environmental impact of their products. Furthermore, it introduces a number of new business models that lead to more reuse and recycling.


The reports form part of the Nordic Prime Ministers’ green growth initiative, The Nordic Region – leading in green growth.  The analysis will be used in ongoing efforts to upgrade the textile reuse and recycling systems in the Nordic countries. Further results will be presented in the projects’ final reports at the end of 2014.

Towards a new Nordic textile commitment: Collection, sorting, reuse and recycling

Towards a Nordic textile strategy: Collection, sorting, reuse and recycling of textiles 

EPR systems and new business models: Reuse and recycling of textiles in the Nordic region