Nordic Innovation Houses to open in Singapore and Hong Kong

25.04.18 | News
Sigurður Ólafsson/
Four Nordic countries are joining forces to open Nordic Innovation Houses in Singapore and Hong Kong. The idea is to establish a Nordic start-up environment in Asia according to the same successful concepts as in New York and Silicon Valley. The Nordic Council of Ministers is co-funding the project.

The purpose of the Nordic Innovation Houses in Singapore and Hong Kong is to help both new and established Nordic entrepreneurs and companies that have good potential for international growth and success. The innovation houses will complement the national Nordic trade organisations that are already in place and work together with them closely.

“I’m very pleased that we’re following up on our political ambitions and strengthening Nordic co-operation with enterprises by way of this specific project.”

Nordic Innovation, an institution in Oslo under the Nordic Council of Ministers, is co-funding the project and putting up half of the budget of NOK 10.8 million. In addition to Norway, the project involves Sweden, Finland, and Iceland. A consortium of representatives from government organisations in the four countries is now ready to proceed to secure the remaining funding.

“The goal is for each of the innovation houses to be economically self-sufficient once the project period has come to an end. Funding will be provided over three years,” says Svein Berg, Director of Nordic Innovation.

  • Read more about the projects in Hong Kong and Singapore here.

Opens new doors

Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers Dagfinn Høybråten is pleased that Nordic co-operation is bringing about concrete initiatives that enable Nordic companies to invest internationally and contribute to sustainable growth in the Nordic Region.

“The co-operation programme for innovation and business policy (2018-2021), which has been approved by both the Nordic ministers for business and the Nordic Council, emphasises that Nordic co-operation in international markets is one of six priority areas. Nordic Innovation House is mentioned in particular. “I’m very pleased that we’re following up on our political ambitions and strengthening Nordic co-operation with enterprises by way of this specific project. As we establish this strong Nordic platform for entrepreneurs and start-ups, new doors for closer co-operation between the Nordic countries will start to open,” says Høybråten.

Four countries working together

Business Sweden is co-ordinating the project in Singapore in co-operation with Innovation Norway and the embassies of Finland, Sweden, and Iceland. Business Sweden is also co-ordinating the project in Hong Kong, working with Innovation Norway, the Swedish consulate, the Finnish consulate, the Icelandic embassy, ​​and with the Norwegian and Swedish chambers of commerce in Hong Kong.

The opening date for the two innovation houses has not yet been finalised.