The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, Sweden

Svenska Naturskyddsföreningen
Eva Lindberg, Naturskyddsföreningen
The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation is nominated for its work at local, regional and national level to get people out into the countryside and improve their knowledge of nature and environmental questions.

The society has existed for 100 years and is Sweden’s largest and most influential environmental organization with around 180,000 members. The Society runs, amongst other things, a successful ecolable ”Bra miljöval” (“good environmental choice”), which is to be found on many goods and services. In addition, the society organises nature rambles of various kinds, which give even more people the chance to experience the countryside. The society has also taken the initiative for the national ”Ängens dag” (“Meadow day”) and "Naturenattan och Miljövänliga veckan” (“Nature night and Environmentally-friendly week”). The society works not least at local level.