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The Nordic Funding Scheme for gender equality projects 2014 is open for applications

03.03.14 | Fréttir
Konferens om lagstiftningssamarbete i Norden den 16–17 november 2010
Johannes Jansson/norden.org
The Nordic Ministers for Gender Equality wish to stimulate Nordic co-operation in the area of gender equality within the framework of the Ministers’ co-operation programme and its prioritised action area. They have therefore appointed NIKK to manage the application process.

Like last year, you will need to have at least three Nordic countries in your application, and you can apply for activities such as conferences, meetings, networks etc. The activities are to be initiated during the autumn 2014 and to be finished within the year 2015.

The total sum is 2,7 million Danish krone for Nordic gender equality co-operation. Apply via the online form which will be published  here the 24th of March.

Deadline for applications is the 24th of April 18.00 PM Swedish time. In August 2014 the decision will be acknowledged. Payment can be made ​​no earlier than one month after contracting and requisition of funds.

More information and application guidelines at nikk.no