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Eating our Way to a Sustainable Future

05.12.19 | Viðburður
green beans
Sonja Langford
One important way to take action to tackle climate change is to change the way we consume food. Food is rising on both individual and policy agendas as an important entry point, not only to tackle climate change, but more broadly to help us move towards a more sustainable society. This will be a day of dialogue, with discussions and policy labs on how we can eat our way to a sustainable future and how food policy can keep up with fast changing consumer preferences, new innovative food business models and ever increasing calls for ambitious climate action.


12:30 - 19:30

Birger Jarlsgatan 57C
113 56 Stockholm


Events are open to the public, but some require registration (see program below). Events are free of charge.

Attend at Norrsken House, Birger Jarlsgatan 57C in Stockholm.

12.30-13.30 Lunch talks: Change the world with a knife and a fork

  • Renée Voltaire, Food visionary and entrepreneur

Renée Voltaire is a real food and sustainability visionary who founded an ecologic product line following her own philosophy. Join us for this lunch talk and learn how her own has evolved on food, sustainability and the role of positive messaging. We’ll also hear her views on how we can ensure that “The food we eat brings us health and doesn’t take it away from us."

Taste the transition - Lunch talks

10 lunch-talks will take place at Norrsken House 2-13 December, featuring visionaries and solutionists who are bringing a new perspective on how to accelerate a transformation for more sustainable and healthy diets. Join us to meet the new voices for a delicious disruption in food.

Hosted by Nordic Food Policy Lab, Nordic Council of Ministers

18.00-18.30 Briefing: What is going on at COP25 in Madrid?

Joint event between Stockholm and Madrid 📺

We open the backdoor and you get the latest updates from the UN Climate negotiations. 📺

Nicholle Koko Warner, UNFCCC, Member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

18.30-19.30 High level policy lab: Food is the new climate action - but how?

Food is the new climate action – but how? A high-level policy lab investigating how new food policy tools can translate climate ambitions into climate action. 

Nordic food systems stakeholders from policy, civil society and the youth movement, to explore new tools as well as the underlying challenges or “lock-ins” hindering progress:

  • Anders Nordström: Swedish ambassador for Global Health, at ministry of foreign affairs 
  • Maria Gardfjell: a Swedish Member of Parliament for the Green Party. She Vice-President of the Committee on the Environment and Agriculture and an environmental policy spokesperson responsible for rural, agriculture, forestry and fisheries.
  • Ove Kenneth Nodland: Innovation manager at the EAT foundation - the science-based global platform for food system transformation.
  • Stefan Eriksson: an award-winning Swedish chef. His food philosophy is based on solid knowledge, learning how the raw material is produced and what it means for the taste, quality and quality of the raw material.
  • Emil Vincentz: youth delegate representing ReGeneration 2030 and co-founder of Acter - a nonprofit working to decentralize action on environmental and social challenges
  • Moderator: Afton Halloran, External Consultant, Nordic Food Policy Lab 

There are limited seats for this event. You need to register for this event.

Hosted by Nordic Food Policy Lab, Nordic Council of Ministers

Events are open to the public, but some require registration (see program above). Events are free of charge.

Attend at Norrsken House, Birger Jarlsgatan 57C in Stockholm.

Note that changes in the program may occur. 

LIVE from 6:00 p.m.