Þetta innihald er ekki til á því tungumáli sem þú hefur valið, því sýnum við innihaldið á Enska.

Green Transition and Carbon Neutrality

12.12.19 | Viðburður
Nils Rasmusson
With the growing pressure from especially youth, the demand for more bold political climate action is growing. This is bridging towards a structural and economic transition. Are you interested in how we shall move away from fossil fuels? Then come and join us at either of the Nordic Hubs as we will have a exciting day coming up.


12:30 - 19:30

Birger Jarlsgatan 57
216 11 Stockholm


Events are open to the public, but some require registration (see program below). Events are free of charge.

Attend at Norrsken House, Birger Jarlsgatan 57C in Stockholm.

12.30-13.30 Lunch talk: How to eat good and do good?

  • Gustav Johansson, chef and change-maker, Jävligt gott (Swedens largest vegan food blog)

Gustav Johansson is an entrepreneur, sustainable food advocate and vegan food innovator who is reinventing traditional comfort food dishes. Join us for this lunch talk and learn how he’s making it easier for people to choose a planet friendly diet by looking at the foods they love and his ideas for how to use policy to make a change.

Taste the transition - Lunch talks

10 lunch-talks will take place at Norrsken House 2-13 December, featuring visionaries and solutionists who are bringing a new perspective on how to accelerate a transformation for more sustainable and healthy diets. Join us to meet the new voices for a delicious disruption in food.

There are limited seats for the events, so hurry to make sure you get a chance to meet your favorite speaker!

Hosted by Nordic Food Policy Lab, Nordic Council of Ministers

Sign up here!

14.00-15.00 World Energy Outlook 2019 - in-depth presentation

Joint event between Stockholm and Madrid 📺

The energy sector will have to deliver the major part of emissions reductions in the coming years. WEO presents scenarios of how this important sector could deliver on the Paris agreement. WEO 2019 also have a special outlook on Africa that will be discussed in this session.

  • Welcome by Svend Søyland, Senior Adviser Nordic Energy Research
  • Presentation of WEO by David Turk, Head of the Strategic Initiatives Office, International Energy Agency
  • Panel discussion lead by Peter Janoska, International Energy Agency

Nordic Energy Research and International Energy Agency

15.30-16.30 Circular economy – Increasing competitiveness and contributing to sustainability

If the manufacturing world had its own dictionary and each year celebrated ‘newcomer phrase of the year’, the past 2-3 years would have seen ‘Circular Economy’ as a clear candidate for a place in the listings of new vocabulary alongside the United Nations’ ‘Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’. Join us to find out more about what circular economy really means and what approaches and tools to use for circular economy driven innovation.


  • Tim McAloone
  • Elin Bergman
  • Axel Hellström
  • Slimane Bouabbane
  • Ola Lowden
  • Harald Cavalli-Björkman


  • Elis Benediktsson

Nordic Innovation and NordForsk


18.00-18.30 Briefing: What is going on at COP25 in Madrid?

Joint event between Stockholm and Madrid 📺

We open the backdoor and you get the latest updates from the UN Climate negotiations 📺.

Mia Rahunen, climate expert, WWF

18.30-19.30 Tracking Clean Energy Progress – Globally and in the Nordics

Joint event between Madrid and Stockholm 📺

Presentation of Tracking Nordic Clean Energy Progress; a report that charts Nordic progress towards a carbon neutral society by highlighting trends and examining scenarios where Nordic solutions can have a global impact. The report illustrates – for technologies and key parameters –the latest progress in technology development and penetration, as well as market creation.

Opening the event

  • Paula Lehtomäki, Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) Secretary General​​​


  • David Turk, International Energy Agency (IEA)
  • Bo Diczfalusy, Senior Advisor, Nordic Energy Research


  • Tore Storehaug, member of the Norwegian parliament, Committee of Energy and Environment
  • Sofie Nordvik, Youth Delegate to the UNFCCC, Norway


  • Mary Gestrin, Communications Director at Nordic Council of Ministers
  • Svend Søyland, Nordic Energy Research (NER)

Nordic Energy Research and International Energy Agency


Events are open to the public, but some require registration (see program above). Events are free of charge. Attend at Norrsken House, Birger Jarlsgatan 57C in Stockholm.

Note that changes in the program may occur. 

LIVE from 2:00 p.m.

LIVE from 6:00 p.m.