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New report on COVID-19 and Nordic culture

28.04.21 | Viðburður
Kulturanalys Norden Covid-19 och kultursektorn i Norden
Culture has been one of the sectors hardest hit by the pandemic in all of the Nordic countries. What effects has it had, and how successful have national measures been to mitigate the situation? “Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the cultural sector in the Nordic countries” will be launched on 28 April.


13:00 - 14:30

During the livestream event, the participants will discuss the main conclusions in the report, expectations for Nordic cultural policy in the future and opportunities for artistic and cultural co-operation in the Nordic Region. The audience will be able to ask questions in a chat window.

Presentation of the report:

  • Ola Berge, (PhD), Senior Researcher and author of the report, Telemark Research Institute


  • Joachim Thibblin, Artistic Director, the Swedish Theatre, Helsinki
  • Joppe Pihlgren, Operations Manager, Swedish Live
  • Trine Søndergaard, photographer and visual artist
  • Liselott Forsman, CEO, Nordisk Film & TV Fond
  • Sabina Westerholm, Director, Nordic House in Reykjavík
  • Joakim Boström Elias, Operations Manager, the Swedish Agency for Cultural Policy Analysis


  • Camara Lundestad Joof, playwright and member of the Arts Council Norway


The event is open to the public and will be in the Scandinavian languages.

About the report

The report by the Swedish Agency for Cultural Policy Analysis is first of two analyses commissioned by the culture ministers in 2020 to help understand and cope with the challenges faced during the pandemic from a Nordic perspective.