Action plan for seabirds in Western-Nordic areas

Report from a workshop in Malmö, Sweden, 4–5 May 2010


Priority actions that will help counteracting the declining trends in seabird populations in Western-Nordic areas including Scotland are presented in the report Action plan for seabirds in Western-Nordic areas, Report from an international workshop, 4-5 May 2010. The background for the workshop was a resolution adopted at a joint meeting of Nordic nature conservation organizations in 2006, urging the Nordic Council of Ministers for the Environment to take coherent and strong measures in order to identify the causes for seabird populations decline and breeding failures, and to propose mitigating actions. More than 30 representatives from the sectors of fisheries, environment, energy, science and hunter-organizations took part in the workshop. The action plan points out mitigating measures targeted impact factors identified in each sector. The reports review of seabird status, trends and anthropogenic impacts is a recommended source of updated information to be used when mitigating actions are planned. The seabird action plan will be communicated to the Nordic Council of Ministers for the Environment to discuss and decide on -  cross-national coordination and cooperation to address specific challenges-  national implementation in each country-  priority actions specifically assigned to the Nordic Council of Ministers for the Environment