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CBDS Studying abroad

31.03.22 | Verkefni
Keld Navntoft/Ritzau Scanpix
Student mobility and attracting international students are priority areas for Nordic-Baltic cooperation on education. The project is a component in the strategic programme Cross Border Digital Services.


01.01.2021 - 31.12.2024

The CBDS programme aims to enhance this cooperation, strengthen student mobility in the region and increase the attractiveness of the Nordic and Baltic region. It will achieve this by streamlining administrative processes, fostering seamless exchange of student data and by giving students easy access to digital services for education.

Examples of digital services that this project will support include the submission of initial applications for public tertiary education, requesting academic recognition of diplomas, certificates or other proof of studies or courses, and applying for study grants and loans from public institutions. The project is headed by Finland and managed by the Finnish Agency for Education.