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Nordic crime – how do we stop gang crime across Nordic borders?

04.07.22 | Viðburður
Magnus Fröderberg, norden.org
The crime rate is on the rise in the Nordic countries, most notably in Sweden, where the development of severe crime is serious. How do our Nordic neighbours fight crime? How do the police co-operate across national borders, so that the violence does not spread?


16:00 - 16:45


Debate meeting

LIVE Broadcast

Follow the streaming here from 4 PM Monday the 4 of July:

The crime rate is on the rise in the Nordic countries, most notably in Sweden, where the development of severe crime is serious. Sweden ranks worst in Europe when it comes to deadly firearm violence.

How do our Nordic neighbours fight crime? How do the police co-operate across national borders so that the violence does not spread?

“Stop cross-border crime!” According to a recent survey, this is what Nordic citizens expect the Nordic Council to address as a top priority.

Meet researchers, politicians, and those who work in the field. 


  • Linda Modig, parliamentarian, Nordic Council (C), Sweden  
  • Lulu Ranne, Vice President, Nordic Council (SF), Finland 
  • Malin Rantzow, police officer and project manager, former director of Gränscenter Öresund 
  • Diamant Salihu, journalist and writer 
  • Amir Rostami, criminologist 

Moderator: Antonia Berg, journalist and presenter