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The Nordic Region in NATO – what does it mean for Nordic defence co-operation and stability?

04.07.22 | Viðburður
Niels Christian Vilmann, Ritzau Scanpix
The Russian invasion of Ukraine undermines the entire international security order. How should the Nordic Region react to the Russian aggression and what measures should the Nordic countries take to ensure peace and stability in our region?


17:00 - 17:45


Debate meeting

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has undermined the entire international security order. The invasion has moved Finland and Sweden to apply for NATO membership, which is of great importance for Nordic defence and security co-operation going forwards.  

The Russian war of aggression has forced the Nordic countries to take a fresh look at the security situation in the Baltic Sea Region and northern Europe. 

Once Finland and Sweden have been approved as members of NATO, all five Nordic countries will be members of the western defence alliance. Suddenly, the security situation in the entire region will change. 

But what will the future of Nordic defence and security co-operation look like once all five countries are members of NATO? What does the threat look like in the new security situation? And what measures do the Nordic countries have to take in order to ensure peace and stability in our region?