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The Nordic working group for Climate and Air (NKL): Invitation to apply for project funding in 2024

02.05.23 | Fjármögnunarmöguleiki
The Nordic working group for Climate and Air (NKL) invites applications for grants to Nordic projects that support the implementation of the Programme for Nordic Co-operation on the Environment and Climate 2019–2024, the Nordic Vision and the priorities of the Nordic working group for Climate and Air.


500.000 – 950.000 DKK (preferred range of grants)
Samíska tungumálasvæðið

The Nordic working group for Climate and Air is working to limit and prevent serious climate change and negative effects of transboundary air pollution, including harm to human health. NKL further wishes to focus on projects that describe the interactions between climate and air pollution issues and the synergies with other areas. The group can fund various types of activities such as studies, workshops and other outreach. In addition to this open call for applications for Nordic grants, NKL also operates through targeted public procurements.

NKL focus areas 2024:

Synergies between climate and clean air policies

  • Projects that contribute to new knowledge about climate change, and the effects of air pollution on human health and welfare.
  • Projects that explore synergies between climate, clean air and biodiversity policies.
  • Projects that analyse the consequences of climate policies on air pollution and vice versa (emissions, concentrations, exposures) and identify sectors where further policy action is needed to improve air quality and exposure to air pollutants (integrated assessment modelling etc.).
  • Projects that contribute to the understanding of the methane/ozone problem and support the development of international and national strategies for methane emission reductions in agriculture and other key sectors.

Air pollution policy support and implementation

  • Projects that contribute to the basis for decisions and implementation under international air pollution agreements.
  • Projects focusing on reduction of harmful emissions caused by for example traffic (fuel combustion and road dust etc.), non-road mobile machinery, shipping, agriculture, and small-scale wood combustion.
  • Projects focusing on the effects of air pollutants on human health and the environment, including costs.
  • Projects that promote international knowledge transfer of Nordic air pollution mitigation solutions and scale up reduction measures.
  • Recommendations on further development of emission inventories (sectors, pollutants) and monitoring activities.
  • Projects focusing on measures to reduce nitrogen emissions to support the Nordic countries in contributing to international goals.

Climate change policy support, initiatives that contribute to climate neutrality work and climate adaptation

  • Initiatives for raised ambitions of collective climate commitments over time in line with the ambition mechanism of the Paris Agreement and that could contribute to the Mitigation work programme.
  • Activities that contribute to Nordic collaboration, enhance our knowledge base and raise awareness about both mitigation and adaptation to transboundary climate risks.
  • Initiatives that illustrate and contribute to a just and green transition in the Nordic countries.
  • Initiatives that pursue a shift in financial flows so that they contribute to a circular, climate-resilient low-emission development in line with the Paris Agreement.
  • Activities that support and encourage local governments, cities, municipalities and sectors to step up their efforts towards carbon neutrality, among others also activities taking into account a just transition and emissions from consumption.
  • Projects that enhance the understanding of emissions and removals of GHG from the land sector, including soil carbon, in the Nordic countries.

The applications will be assessed on the basis of:

  • Projects in line with the priorities for the Nordic working group for Climate and Air: Programme for Nordic Co-operation on the Environment and Climate 2019-2024, Nordic vision 2030, Nordic Strategy for Sustainable Development 2013-2025 and/or Ministerial Declaration on Nordic Carbon Neutrality. See links under.
  • Relevance and Nordic synergy: project outcomes that are relevant to the administrations and policies of the Nordic countries, both within the Nordics and Nordic strongholds within international fora.
  • Projects that support and strengthen the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the 2030 Agenda.
  • The quality of the project description.
  • Composition and experience of the project group.
  • Innovative thinking within the scope of the themes for 2024. Contributes to increased knowledge about the theme in a Nordic context, and/or has transferable value.
  • Communication plan for the results generated.
  • The benefit of carrying out the activity at the Nordic level should be demonstrable and the projects must prove relevance for and contain active participation from minimum three Nordic countries.

The NKL group takes into account a broad implementation of the Programme for Nordic Co-operation on the Environment and Climate 2019-2024 when deciding on the grants.


If a project is expected to produce a public report and if the Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) is funding more than 50 per cent of the project budget, the report must be published through the Nordic Council of Ministers’ publication department. This applies to publishing both online and in print. The cost of graphic design by the NCM’s publications unit and other publication costs must be included in the budget of the project application. If applicable, applicants should contact the publications’ department before submitting their application to obtain an accurate estimate of the cost of publications. All projects must deliver an executive summary for possible web publication through the NCM. The costs for the publication should be included in the project budget.


The application deadline for projects and activities starting in 2024 is 9. June 2023.
Project funding in 2024 will be notified when the framework budget and final work program for the NKL-group is decided. It is expected to be notified during the 1st or 2nd quarter of 2024 at the latest.
This timeline should be kept in mind in relation to the planning of time frames of projects. It is not expected that any project funding will be disbursed before the 2nd quarter of 2024.

The mandate of the Nordic working group of Climate and Air (NKL) is valid during the period 2019-2024, when the Secretariat of the group is situated in the Ministry of Environment of Denmark. Applicants should therefore be aware of that project activity after 2024 is uncertain.


Applications must be submitted using the Nordic Council of Ministers’ application form and budget and follow the guidance and instructions for applications. Any VAT shall be paid by the project’s executor and should be taken into account when establishing the project’s budget. Applicants seeking additional grants in 2024 for projects which have previously received funding from the NKL, must also attach a short status report to the application.


If the project has received more than DKK 200,000 and the administrative body is not subject to audit by one of the Nordic national audit offices, the project final accounts must be audited by a certified or chartered public accountant. The audit report must comply with the provisions laid down by the Audit regulations for funds granted by the Nordic parliaments to the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministers. Any costs for external audits should be taken into account when establishing the project’s budget.


Audit instructions can be found at the information page on Nordic funding.


Notice of funding is issued by the NKL secretariat through the Ministry of Environment (MIM) of Denmark. The Ministry of Environment complies with current state aid rules for the award of grants/subsidies (Article 107 TFEU). If an approved project meets all six criteria for state aid, the grant will apply to the rules for de minimis support and a de minimis declaration must be filled in and provided to the NKL/MIM.
The NKL-group and/or the Ministry of Environment cannot provide advice on EU state aid to potential applicants.

General Data Protection Regulation
The Ministry of Environment is obliged to comply with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR). By submitting applications, you approve that the Nordic Working Group for Climate and Air (Environmental and Climate ministries/agencies in the Nordic countries) process the application and any personal data in the application electronically. All applicants are advised not to send in documentation with sensitive personal information, such as CVs etc.


  • Application/project description form for project funding –  (Word SK/EN)
  • Budget SK
  • Budget EN
  • Standard agreement Nordic Council of Ministers
  • De minimis declaration (if relevant)

Status report (if the project has received previous support from the NKL)

The application must only contain the application and budget form itself. The applicants are strongly encouraged not to send any documentation with sensitive personal information, such as CVs etc.

Applications must be e-mailed as a) a Word file and b) a signed, scanned version to the Ministry of Environment NKL-ansogning@mim.dk.

If you have any questions, please contact NKL co-ordinator Anna Gran, angra@mim.dk or the NKL chair. 
