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Almedalen Week 2023: The Arctic is melting – how do we reverse the trend?

28.06.23 | Viðburður
Silje Bergum Kinsten/norden.org
In 2021, a Norwegian expedition sailed to Svalbard to document the effects of climate change in the Arctic, where it is happening faster than anywhere else. The question is, what can we do to slow it down?


12:00 - 12:45

Strandvägen 4
Strands veranda
Wisby Strand

Debate meeting

The Barba expedition encountered stunning scenery and wildlife in the Arctic but also saw clear signs of human impact and an increasingly warmer climate. A documentary about the expedition will be shown to inspire a conversation about the Arctic and climate change.

What happens in the Arctic, for example, the ice melting, has implications for the whole planet. Even those living far from the Arctic will be affected by rising sea levels.

The Nordic countries actively address Arctic issues, focusing strongly on the environment and climate. The Nordic Council of Ministers has a vision of the Nordic Region being the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030, and the Arctic will play an important role in making it happen.


  • Erik Kjellström, Professor in Climatology, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI)
  • Andreas Salomonsson, International Secretary/Swedish Young Christian Democrats (KDU), Deputy member of the Presidium/Nordic Youth Council
  • Sara-Elvira Kuhmunen, Chair, Association of Young Saami in Sweden (Sáminuorra)
  • Leneisja Jungsberg, Senior Research Fellow, Nordregio
  • Giulia Ercoletti, Marine Biologist, Tromsø Wilderness Centre

Moderator: Sharon Jåma